Saturday, January 15, 2011

Special Dishes

My Uncle David gave us these beautiful wedgewood dishes after my sweet Aunt Libbie passed away.  The dishes were once their fine china.  I had always admired them and I was so thankful that he decided to pass them on to our family.  I put them in our china cabinet this month and I think they look stunning.  Everytime I glance at them, I am reminded of my aunt... one of the most amazing women I will ever know.

A crystal bowl that was my Grandmother's is also displayed, a treasured gift from my parents this past Christmas.

I really enjoy not only displaying but USING our heirloom china.  I think it gives our meals and our table cherished memories of those we love.  Trey and Ambry always ask about the dishes if we are using something different from our everyday set, and it's fun to tell the story of each piece to them.
Luke's mom, my Mama Lu has always taught me to USE my "stuff" she says  "Don't let it sit on a shelf and gather dust because afterall, 
we can't take it with us!"

1 comment:

  1. Love Mama Lu's advice - and I love the china in your cabinet! So wonderful that you are appreciative of where it came from and the memory it represents - you are awesome! What a wonderful gift for your children. Love it! Thanks for sharing...
