Monday, October 24, 2011

We are the Champions...

It was a tough weekend of ball games.
Trey's team played against a VERY unsportsmanlike team to see where 
the Bonecrushers would end up in the playoffs.
Thankfully, we WON the game... 29 to 0 and we are in 2nd place overall in our division!
We have a 7 wins and 1 loss!!!
Sadly, there was a good bit of personal fouling from 
some of the players on the opposing team. 
Trey had his facemask jerked four times and his ankle twisted badly.
We had several players who were hit in the back or hit after the whistle.
But the coolest part of the whole game, fouls and all,
 was watching our coaches and how they handled everything.
They told our boys to just point to the scoreboard when the other team 
was badmouthing them and screaming ugliness at them.
Luke got very upset because of how many times Trey was face masked,
but he ultimately kept his cool and
set a good example for his son and the other boys on our team.
(Luke and Trey after Trey got hurt!)

Ambry's team had to play TWO games on Saturday!
A make up game and a regular season game.
The Lil' Sizzlers pulled out wins at both of their games!
Those sweet girls have only lost 1 game all season!!!
Their last game is this Tuesday evening and then they will participate
in a softball tournament later in the week.
(This was my favorite picture from Saturday.
Little Isabella on Ambry's team is HILARIOUS!
You never know what she is going to be doing 
when she goes out on the field!!!  Love her!)

We will miss football and softball when our seasons come to an end.
Trey and Ambry have learned some very important lessons about teamwork,
grace, perseverance and competition.
We are so thankful to all of the coaches and parents and players who
made this season a success for the Bonecrushers and Lil' Sizzlers!!!

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