We were so fortunate to have grown up close by to my "Aunt D"!
She was my mom's, dad's sister, my great aunt.
And GREAT she was!
I will always remember going to her house when we were little.
She had this wonderful closet right off the dining room, full of hats and games
and tins of poker chips. My brothers and I LOVED playing in those poker chips!
She would always make Johnny Mazetti for us (kind of like lasagna),
and snickerdoodle cookies.
She has crystal bowls full of hard blue mints and little soft buttery mint candies.
We loved spending time with Aunt D and Uncle Walter.
Last year after Uncle Walter passed away,
my parents graciously invited her to come and live with them.
They enjoyed her for 14 months in their home,
taking care of her, following her strict meal schedule,
and playing lively rounds of scrabble at night... a favorite of hers.
She passed away peacefully in October,
with my dad and my Uncle David and his wife Sherri at her side.
Her wishes were, that we all gather together to celebrate her long, full life.
She lived to be 101! Just three months shy of 102!!!
We enjoyed every minute of her "celebration"!
Telling funny stories about her and listening to family and Kiwanis friends remember
her many, many charitable good deeds.
How amazing you were and what an example you set for us all
to always be kind hearted, generous and caring towards others!!!
We love you Aunt D!
(Aunt D came to visit with mom and dad last fall.
Here we were at Trey's football game.)
It's always silly when the Boughners and the DeSousas get together!
Ian and Kelly... baby boy DeSousa is coming soon!
Michelle and Greg
Grammy loves her grands!
Ambry and Nicole
Leanne and I
Trey and Andrew
My daddy and I

Our family 2011